Phoenix Festival Video
Phoenix Festival Photos
Call A Car on This Morning
In The New Year Live Video
Milkfest Photos
Clarence Park Festival Photos

The Half Light are a four piece band from London who play twilight pop. Their most recent EP, Stalking The Lanes, launched on all major digital platforms on June the 14th 2024.

Since forming in 2011, the band have also released Clapham EP (2012), Moscow (2015) and Night On My Mind EP (2018), and their music has featured on BBC 6 Music, BBC London and ITV’s This Morning.

Recent releases have featured on The Devil Has The Best Tuna (I’ll Never Leave You Alone – ‘a melodic masterpiece’), Fresh On The Net (Call A Car), and the band were recently named Richer Sounds Unsigned Artist of The Week.

The Half Light performed at Phoenix Festival in summer 2023 in support of their recent releases, and have also played at renowned venues and events across the country, including Camden Barfly, Dingwalls, Wakefield Festival and as headliners of Milk Fest.

The Half Light
James Rogers (Vocals / Guitar)
Guy Chapman (Guitar)
Mike Taylor (Bass)
James Morrison (Drums)
